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Why Timing is Everything: How to Make Your Ads Work Overtime for You

When are you at your most productive?

Here at Net Vis, we’re a mix of morning larks and afternoon… um, owls? Some of us are just hitting our stride when others have peaked early and are heading to the kitchen for a caffeine boost. 

Knowing what time of the day you work best is a great way to meet the challenge head on and get those tricky tasks ticked off the to do list.

And the same is true for your ads (how’s that for a smooth segway!)

Knowing what time of day – and indeed what days of the week – your ads work best, can make your online campaigns even more productive.


What Is ‘Time of Day’? Are your ads delivering on time?

Time of day refers to the specific hours and moments when your ads are displayed to your target audience. Getting the timing right means picking the perfect moment to deliver a message for maximum impact. Get it wrong and it’s rather like waiting until someone’s out and leaving that message behind a flowerpot in their neighbour’s garden.


Why Tracking Time of Day Matters

Your ad is like a persuasive argument. You don’t want to ask the bank manager for a business loan when she’s packing her bag at the end of the day. She’s already thinking what she’s having for tea and if she can squeeze in that gym session first. (Not casting aspersions on bank managers of course who are very nice, attentive people.)

Understanding when your audience is most receptive can significantly impact your ad performance. If you track ad performance by time of day you can:

  • Strategically schedule your ads.

People aren’t robots. They work, browse, shop and engage online at different times. Analysing when your target audience is most active, allows you to create more impactful ads at times they’re more likely to convert. For example, parents might be more likely to engage with ads after their children’s bedtime, while office workers often browse during their lunch break.

  • Budget more efficiently.

We understand that your advertising budget is a precious resource. So don’t waste it advertising when no one’s there. It’s like shouting into the abyss! Focus your ad spend on the times of day when clicks and conversions are most likely. You’ll optimise your ROI and squeeze the maximum value out of every penny.


Ditch the watch! Tools for time tracking.

(Don’t actually ditch the watch – it looks nice on you.)

There are a number of tools available that help you track time – we use these, and other methods, to pull together reports for our clients that show the optimum times of day to advertise. These are your first port of call when it comes to finding out what times work best for your audience.

  1. Ad platform insights. Most platforms, like Google or Facebook Ads have built in analytics that show when your ads are being shown and how they perform at different times. Use these reports to identify trends and adjust your strategy to suit.
  2. Google Analytics. The all-powerful Google is a great way to break down web traffic by hour – letting you see when visitors are most active and allowing you to accurately pinpoint the best times to schedule ads.



No time to lose?

Don’t miss out on web traffic by showing your ads at the wrong time. It’s quite literally throwing money away. Use the information on offer to refine your ad schedule and find your audience.

Don’t forget to consider your business operating hours too.  If your business doesn’t open at weekends, then it’s a bad time to advertise. If no one is there to answer a phone call or email query, you risk losing potential customers.

One of our clients runs a pest control business. They’ve stopped advertising in the evenings now as they found any leads that came in after 8pm never responded to follow up calls. Timing really is everything!

Running out of time to analyse your data? We can help. We can look at your data and adjust your ad scheduling to make your ads more effective and your budget go further.

Our user analysis reports provide a visual representation of when your users convert, what time, what day, and we can even show you seasonal ebbs and flows.

Get in touch today and see how a little Net Vis know how can boost your ad productivity. Give us a call, we’ve always got time for you.

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