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Understanding search terms. Are you hiding in plain sight?

The internet is colossal. No matter how much online content we consume, there’s always more to investigate.

So how on earth do you help people find your content?

Search terms are the bedrock of the internet.  They underpin everything. They’re the key to your online visibility and signpost users to your content. If you can understand how search terms work, and how best to manipulate them to work for you, then you’ll be able to drive lots more traffic to your site, increasing visitors and conversions.


Buckle up! Here comes some Net Vis knowhow on the power of search terms and how to use them to your advantage.


What are search terms?

Search terms or keywords are the words or phrases people type into search engines like Google when they’re looking for information, products or online services. We’ve all become so used to online searching that pretty much everyone knows what ‘having a Google’ means!

Why do search terms matter?

Search terms are crucial for your online visibility and ultimately your online success. Here’s why:

  1. Discoverability – when you know which search terms are leading people to your site, you can better understand what your audience is interested in, and then you can tailor your content to meet their needs.



If you’re in town and fancy a coffee, you’ll probably look for a coffee shop, then you’ll consider once you’re there what kind of coffee you’d like. Is it a triple shot americano (you need to calm down) or a chai oat latte?

When you search online, users behave in a similar way. Perhaps you sell air fryers. Someone’s first search might be ‘best air fryer’ but then they might refine that search to ‘dual basket Ninja air fryer’ as they get a better idea of what they need.  Understanding this journey helps you position your content at each stage of their search journey.


  1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – search terms are the basis of SEO. By optimising your website and content for relevant keywords you can improve your rankings in search engine results pages (the nerds call them SERPs). This helps you attract more organic traffic. But clarity is key! Be specific.


One of our brilliant clients sells reclaimed bricks. If you sell actual bricks, you don’t want your website to appear in a search for LEGO. It’s frustrating to users, and you’re not getting under the noses of the potential customers you’d like to attract.

The right search terms or keywords will get you on the relevant search pages. And the more specific and closely the pages on your website match with the search query, the higher up the rankings you’ll go. And when you’re higher up that SERP (remember that acronym? Search Engine Results Page) you’re more visible.


  1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising. Yep, yet more acronyms. Keep up! In PPC ad campaigns, you bid on specific search terms to display your ads to users that are searching for those terms. Understanding which search terms are most relevant to your business allows you to target your ads more effectively and maximise your advertising budget. If you’re on a tight budget, focusing on specific, “long-tail” keywords can be more efficient and yield better results. 

    Let’s go back to that coffee. You’re in the mood for a triple shot, half-caff, soy milk, no foam, extra hot, sugar free vanilla latte with a dusting of cinnamon. Firstly, you’re no friend of ours if you drink your coffee that fancy; secondly, you know you’ll only get that from that trendy independent café in the park with the snobby barista. You’ve refined your search by getting specific.

  2. Content strategy – Search terms can also be used to inform your content strategy. When you create content around popular search terms related to your industry, you can attract more visitors to your site and establish yourself as a trusted and knowledgeable source. Think about your own search behaviour. You begin with broad terms and gradually narrow them down as you close in on what you need. Your site content should address these various stages of the search process, using multiple different keywords to catch the attention of different searchers.



Practical tips for using search terms effectively

  1. Let data drive your decision making. Use all the information you can get your hands on to drive your marketing strategy. At Net Vis we provide clients with monthly reports to show what terms are driving traffic to their site. If you need some help, just ask. We’ll happily explain how to interpret the available data and how best to use it to your advantage.
  2. Put yourself in the users’ shoes. Think about your own search habits. If you’re buying a new TV you’ll probably start with a general search and gradually get more specific as you consider what size you’ll need, the likely cost and any extra functionality you’d like. Make sure your content covers each step of that search process to guide potential customers towards your product or service.
  3. Tailor your keywords to your audience. As we’ve mentioned, not all bricks are made equal. And searching for a certain fruit might end up with you trawling pages of ads for phones and tablets rather than improving your diet… If there’s any doubt over the service or product you sell, be specific.
  4. Consider conversion rates. Once you think you’ve got your search terms sorted, keep a close eye on their performance. Monitor how they’re doing by using analytics tools to track them, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments and try different terms. Our experience in this means we know which terms really drive conversions.



Is it me you’re looking for?

Understanding and utilising search terms effectively can really transform your online presence. Whether you’re looking for organic growth or proactively seeking growth via online ads.

If you feel a bit lost, then get in touch. Whether you need us to delve into your data to see what is and isn’t working, or you just want some simple changes for immediate improvement. Either way, we’ve got you covered. Come in for a chat and get some Net Vis knowhow. We’ll even make you a coffee…just not one of those fancy ones!




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