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Display Advert Sizes -

Static Display Ads and Animated Display Ads

Static Formats: JPG, JPEG, or PNG Animated Formats: GIF, HTML5, or AMPHTML File Size: 150 KB or smaller

SizeTypeImpression Share
250 x 250Square2.8%
300 x 250Inline Rectangle25.1%
336 x 280Large Rectangle8.6%
160 x 600Wide Skyscraper10.1%
300 x 600Half-Page Ad4.3%
468 x 60Banner12.0%
728 x 90Leaderboard25.5%
320 x 50Mobile Leaderboard7.4%

To get 100% visibility then an advertiser should design 20 different sized adverts. However, creating just the 8 above that we have recommended, will result in 95.8% visibility for your campaign.

Responsive Display Ads(5MB)

Landscape & Square plain images without any overlay text or logos. JPEG/PNG Landscape & Square Logos  JPEG/PNG 

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