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Scroll depth – how low can you go?

Are your visitors seeing the most important parts of your site?

If your visitor numbers are good, but your conversion rate isn’t quite what you’d hoped, then it’s worth finding out which parts of your site your visitors are (and aren’t) viewing.

Scroll depth data gives you a fantastic insight into your customer journey and is an often-overlooked metric; but it’s one that we’re all over at Net Vis.

Here’s a little Net Vis know how – one might even call it a deep dive (see what we did there) into how scroll depth data can help you optimise your site.

What is scroll depth and why does it matter?

Scroll depth is a user engagement metric that measures how far individuals scroll down a web page.  This is measured as a percentage of the total page, with 100% meaning a user has scrolled right down to the bottom of the page.

Scroll depth can help you analyse user behaviour and identify your most engaging content – allowing you to make data driven decisions to enhance your users’ experience and, of course, to achieve your marketing goals.

A good scroll depth typically ranges from between 60-80%, but it really differs by site. If the purpose of your page is to get people to click a button at the top of the page, a low scroll rate might actually show success. Ultimately, it depends on the page purpose and what you want your users to do.

You can use Google Tag Manager (GTM) or Google Analytics (GA4) to discover your scroll depth metrics. These analytic tools are free to set up and will help you compare data for visitors coming from both Google and Facebook ads.

How does scroll depth data improve customer experience on Google and Facebook?

Content optimisation – By showing which areas of a page are being overlooked, and which are highly engaging, you can optimise your content placement. And when you ensure relevant and compelling information is easy to find, you’re already improving your user experience.

Strategic CTA placement – Tracking scroll behaviour also shows you the best places to locate a call-to-action. Its common sense isn’t it – if your desired customer action is easy to find, your customer is far more likely to take that action.

Reducing user drop-off – Scroll depth data isn’t just about page layout. If the data shows users regularly abandoning a page, it might indicate an issue with slow page loading or unappealing initial content. Identifying and fixing any issues will instantly reduce user drop-off.

Improving user experience – Scroll depth also helps you learn about how your visitors interact with buttons, links and other content on your page.  This is useful when it comes to making informed decisions about web design and layout.

How can scroll depth data help me decide where to put information on Google and Facebook?

Analysing scroll depth data helps you to understand where users are most engaged with your content. This knowledge lets you place information strategically to maximise visibility and impact.

Leveraging that data will allow you to:

Identify high engagement areas 

By discovering which parts of your content users engage with the most, you can post important information, key messages, and visuals, where they’ll grab users’ attention and drive actions.

Consider what goes above-the-fold

Just like a newspaper, ‘above the fold’ is the area all your users see the most. The scroll data will let you know where your users first stop scrolling. Make sure crucial information is within this section. Remember to use headlines and striking visuals to draw attention to those important messages.

Keep things in order

Scroll depth patterns can also help with arranging content in a logical and sequential order. This will also improve your user experience, keeping users scrolling and guiding them toward your desired actions.

Stay relevant

Scroll depth data helps you place specific information where users expect it. This makes the content more relevant and increases the chance of conversions.

Feeling like you’re in too deep?

Analysing and optimising your pages and content is vital for driving engagement, but as we know from experience, it often drops down the list of priorities when you’ve also got a business to run.

if you’re feeling the water is starting to go over your head on this and you’d like a hand to pull you out of a user-driven slump, we’re ready to take on that deep data dive for you.

We’ve worked with numerous web developers over the years to help improve site experience and performance. We can also help with site changes ourselves where needed.

And there’s a lot to be said for our grey hair and young flair. We really have seen it all before.  And with great experience comes great knowledge. We can talk you through some simple changes that would show immediate improvements to your user experience. Or we can set up tracking and help analyse your scroll data and optimise your content. Whatever you need, give us a call, we’d be happy to help.

Still here? You’re now part of the 100% club – the people that scroll to the bottom of a page. You don’t get a prize (sorry!) But you do get bragging rights and the chance to click on this lovely button

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