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Pick The Pixel

Know what a pixel is? Nope. Not the teeny dots that make up an image… a Facebook Pixel.

Facebook pixel has been around for a while now, but it’s something we feel businesses aren’t truly using to their advantage. So, as we’re a friendly, helpful bunch, we thought we’d tell you a little bit about what it is, how it can boost your online marketing capabilities and how we can help you use it.

What is a Facebook Pixel?

Essentially, a Facebook pixel is a piece of code you place on your website. It allows you to track, measure and optimise your ads on Facebook. It improves conversion rates and helps grow your audience. We think it’s pretty nifty.  And we’ve found that it’s excellent for re-targeting and measurement.

Here’s how it works:

1 . Tracking conversions

A Facebook Pixel can tell you how effective your ad campaign is by tracking specific actions such as purchases, newsletter sign ups or form submissions. And if you’re running a series of ads, it will show you which are the most effective. It quite literally does your homework for you.

2. Retargeting

A pixel allows you to re-target any users who’ve visited your website. As you’ll know, most users don’t convert on their first visit to your site. They’ll browse, go elsewhere to compare options, and consider what to do.  You want to keep reminding them that you are the best option. A pixel will let you do that. Whether it’s immediately, or a few months down the line.

For example, if you’re selling a car, your customer might not need you until their vehicle needs a service 12 months down the line, that’s when you want your ads in front of them. But if you’re selling a beauty product, you might want that customer to make a purchase immediately and then return when the product is likely to run out – say in a couple of months. Facebook pixel does all that leg work for you, retargeting that audience as and when you need it to.

3. Optimising your site

A Facebook pixel lets you view actions users take when they visit your site from one of your ads. This information is like gold dust for your business. Do they always go to a specific page, or fill in a form? Is there one ad that always seems to cause users to click onto your FAQ page? If so, perhaps you need to make that landing page content clearer, so they don’t go searching for answers? A pixel helps you review and refine your user journey. Smoothing the path for your users towards your desired outcomes.

4. Finding Lookalikes

Businesses are always looking at ways to grow their audience, and this is where Facebook pixel comes into its own. Based on the demographics and behaviours of your web visitors, Facebook can analyse the data from your pixel and find users who share similar attributes with your existing audience. It can help you expand your ad reach to new potential customers who (based on their characteristics) are likely to be interested in your business or service. Clever stuff!

5. Attribution and cross-device tracking

Last, but by no means least – pixel tracks users’ interactions with your website even if they switch between devices. This lets you measure the impact of your Facebook ads on different devices and channels, helping you make data-driven decisions about your marketing strategies.

If you’re looking to optimise your ad efforts (and let’s face it, who isn’t!) The Facebook pixel can supercharge your online ad campaigns.  We think it’s a really useful tool that’s being massively underused.

Now, we know all this talk of tracking and data analysis and metrics is A LOT. Especially when it’s on top of the day job. Running a business is full on, without adding in the need to be an expert in online data tools too.

And that’s where we come in. Let us do the heavy lifting for you. We can set you up with your very own Facebook pixel. We pride ourselves on providing jargon-free reports that don’t require a degree in computer science to understand. And if you still have questions, we’re always delighted to have a natter about what’s working and what’s not.

Let us take control of your ad optimisation for you – as you know, we can’t get enough of all this techy stuff. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the results of our labour*.

Get in touch today to find out more. 

*Don’t literally sit back, you’ve got a business to run remember!

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